Fr. Bill's Personal Pages

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Pass The Pasta

Dear Parishioners,

Italian Dinner Fun
The Italian Dinner has come and gone. What a great time! Thank you to all who gave of their time and talent to cook, serve, clean, offer hospitality, serve as chairpersons for specific areas, solicit sponsors, focus on P.R., work with the money, offer entertainment, and make, bake, and sell items for the bazaar. A big thank you to Becky Pettit, the main chairperson, and Debbie Kincaid her vice-chair. This year’s event was extra special with some additional treats such as the silent auction, the raffle, and a larger presence of music and entertainment. I think everyone loved the chicken dance. This year there were several new sponsors who contributed to the event.

Each year, it is such a delight to see the people who come forward to work on the event. It is one of the opportunities that we have to share with the community the joyous spirit of our Church. We strive, as our mission tells us, to be a welcoming community, and the Italian Dinner has done this now for 25 years. Thank you to everyone who was in anyway part of its success.

Volunteer Appreciation Dinner & Dance Update
By way of reminder, St. Patty's day is just around the corner and I would love to invite all our volunteers who make St. Anthony's such a lively place to our annual Volunteer Appreciation Event. This year it will happen right after the 5:30 pm Mass on Saturday, March 17th. There will be a dance with DJ's who will involve your whole family as well as traditional St. Patrick corned beef and cabbage. Please bring a food dish to share as a way to augment our culinary plans. So, this is both a potluck dinner and dance for the family. Oh yes, wear you best green shirts, socks, and dancin' shoes.

New Comments Feature
In the continuing quest to improve my site and podcast, I just recently added a new feature where you can leave me comments via an online voicemail system. If you are a listener to the podcast, this is the perfect way for me to add your thoughts to the show. As technology grows, it is simply amazing the things one can do. Give it a try and let me know what you think!

Fr. William Holtzinger