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Maranatha! Come Holy Spirit!

Dear Parishioners,

Maranatha! Come Holy Spirit! Through the Holy Spirit, our Lord fulfills his promise not to abandon us. He gave us the Holy Spirit who has permeated the Church with his Divine presence to be our advocate, our helper. We Catholics don’t talk as much about the Holy Spirit, but focus more on Jesus. That’s not a problem, but our Orthodox brothers and sisters are much more focused on the Holy Spirit. Did you know that? Yes. It is true. Their theology is more “pneumatic” (Spirit-centered). Catholic theology is more Christocentric (Christ-centered). It’s understandable since Jesus was the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity who came to us so that we could see, talk, and touch him. His words are written in our Scriptures. He is even called, “The Word.” Curiously, we have no specific “words” from the Holy Spirit in the Scriptures, but certainly the Holy Spirit directed the first Apostles and Disciples in their missionary work as well as forbade some from preaching or traveling to certain places. When the Apostles and prophets spoke, they were communicating the desire and will of the Holy Spirit, so in this sense, the Spirit “spoke.” Today, this still occurs through many people in the Church. Of course, much discernment must be applied when someone “feels” guided by the Spirit. One simple guide is to test whether that which is being spoken is in line with the Bride of Christ: the Church. 

We have descriptors in the Bible where the Holy Spirit appears in various visible forms such as flames or a dove. The Holy Spirit is the abiding presence of God which warms our hearts, lifts us up, and guides us to the Truth. It is the Holy Spirit who also guides the Church on her pilgrim way. In all the Church’s Sacraments, the Holy Spirit is present. Can you see where? Maybe list them out and see where you might be able to see the action of the Holy Spirit. Consider that some homework!

May this Pentecost bring you a renewal of the Holy Spirit dwelling in you. May you be set afire for love of God and his people. May you always be open, especially in times of need, for the in-breaking of the Holy Spirit to give you gifts you didn’t expect. God is amazing and through his Holy Spirit, miracles can and have happened. Will you allow a miracle to be done in you? Some Holy Spirit! Come!


Fr. William Holtzinger