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Fr. Joseph


Dear Parishioners, 

Last month we said goodbye to Fr. José and Jessica McCormick. This month, we say, "Hello!" to two new members taking their places.

Firstly, we want to say, "Hello!" to Fr. Joseph Hùng Nguyễn to St. Anne's! This past weekend, he was received with a very warm welcome. For those wanting to know how to prounce his last name, just pronounce it as if to say, "when." So, just hear yourself say, "Father When" and you will have it! If you wish to get to know him better, Fr. Nguyen will be offering a time to talk about his vocational journey and answer questions at our next installation of Catholicism 101 on Sunday, July 13th at 9:30 AM. In brief, Fr. Joseph Nguyễn was previously the Parochial vicar at St. Cecilia in Beaverton. Fr. Joseph served for a summer as an intern with Fr. Bill at St. Anthony's in Forest Grove. We are happy to welcome Fr. Joseph to our parish to continue his training and experience in priestly ministry.

Secondly, we want to say "Hello!" to Joe Trainor who has accepted our offer to become our new Pastoral Associate. He has a wealth of experience in the commercial and church world. His last pastoral placement was at Sacred Heart in Tillamook, OR where he worked tirelessly in liturgy and Faith Formation. He is currently in the Philippines with his wife, as they are in the process of adopting her two grandchildren. We expect Joe to arrive somewhere around the 25th of this month after which he will be formally introduced in the first weekend of August.


Fr. William Holtzinger