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Ministry Fair

Ministry Fair

Dear Parishioners,

Last Sunday we held our first Ministry Fair. Not knowing how it would go, I was so delighted to hear that over 40 ministries signed up and showed up! Yes! I think it is fair (no pun intended) to say that it was a huge success! It was intended to highlight/celebrate the ministries of our parish as well as offer opportunities for parishioners to get more involved in their faith life. Tertiarily, some of the ministries were able to raise some funds to help their activities. There was yummy food, games and wonderful opportunities to just be together in fellowship. The weather even cooperated! Thanks, God! I want to thank the two main organizers: Sandra Lopez and Paul Wilson. Thank you both so much! I hope that the fair inspired you all to give praise and glory to God for all that he is doing in our community.

May God bless you all,

Fr. William Holtzinger

New Beginnings

Dear Parishioners,

Our New Priest

This past week we said goodbye to Fr. Paschal. He was a real gift to our community and we wish him all the best in his new assignment at St. Philip Benizi Church. With the departure of Fr. Paschal, we were looking at a situation without a replacement. As providence would have it, a priest from Fr. Paschal’s diocese became free of his other duties while working in Salem and is joining us. So, we welcome Fr. Patrick Nwokeogu (pronounced Woe-kay-oh-goo) to our community of faith. I am sure you will give him our typical warm welcome and come to love him, as he is a very friendly man.

If you are a Techie-type, you can find him active on Facebook. Prior to coming to us, he completed a year of chaplaincy education (aka. Clinical Pastoral Education) in Salem. His love has been for hospital work which will be a great fit for us with all the sick visits that are needed. He’s been a priest for 14 years and a pastor several times. Being here in the United States only two years, however, is a serious cultural shift. So. we will be learning while on the job here. I am proud to say that we are a good place for a new or foreign priests to “learn the ropes.”

Parish Picnic

On a different note, I want to thank the Knights of Columbus for their work to do the heavy for last week’s Parish Picnic. It is a good feeling to know that the men of our parish can come together to serve their parish community. Thank you also to those who helped out with games, set up, and take down. Thank God the weather was very cooperative. From what I understand this year’s picnic was a little scaled down from previous years. Personally, the games are good and other activities are fun, but I just thoroughly enjoyed just being with all of you. In my Listening Sessions when I arrived a year ago, I heard many times from parishioners that they would simply like to have more opportunities to get together for fun and fellowship. I think that was a mis- sion accomplished this last weekend. Thank you all!!!!

Beginning of School and Ministries

Our parish school began last week and others are about to begin. Our various ministries are also gearing up for the season. If you have grade school aged children, please make an effort to enroll them in our Children’s Faith Formation Program. For teens, our middle school, high school, and confirmation programs are getting ready to begin too. With our new liturgy schedule, we will be able to offer Adult Faith Formation classes as well. Beginning Sept. 12th, I will be starting a monthly presentation called, Catholicism 101. The first topic will be about Catholicism and Sci- ence. Keep your eyes peeled to the bulletin for information about all these potential faith formation opportunities coming your way.


Fr. William Holtzinger


Listening Sessions Overview

Dear Parishioners,

In the first several months of my arrival, you may remember that I hosted a series of what I called “Listening Sessions.” After nine sessions, three churches, and with over one hundred in participation, I presented a summary of these sessions to the Pastoral Council. My intent was to try to meet as many parishioners as possible, to get a sense of the community, and finally to understand the parishioner’s hopes and dreams. I heard many ideas. Some were repeatedly mentioned while others were only brought forward once or twice. In order to keep my summary succinct, I offer you an abridged summary of the most commonly mentioned topics.


St. Anne’s has gentrified over the years
Great desire to bring in more young people especially families into the parish.
Desire to have greater overall involvement in the parish.
Want more opportunities for Adult Education
Want to know more about those who are sick or have died in the community
Increase visibility through the newspaper


Continue inviting back those who have left the church, ie. Welcome Back Catholics program
Desire to have more “small church communities” like Disciples in Mission program Renew
Parish Nursing ministry
Desire for youth to be more involve and visible
Renew, recruit, and reorganize communion ministry to the homebound
Renew Human Concerns Committee Reorganize R.C.I.A

Church Building

Renew efforts to complete deferred maintenance
Improve lighting in the church
Improve intelligibility of sound system
Renew/Revisit church renovation plan


More involvement desired, esp. young people involved
Want a youth/teen/family-oriented Mass
Renew music - desire for new/more lively music - include more instruments
Desire to be more welcoming at Mass
Increase reverence in church (concern about talking & dress code)
Desire to move announcements to the end of Mass
Consider moving location the choir due to distraction
Want more prayers for veterans and service personnel


Want more unity between parish and school
Desire better communication between school and parish
Desire that financial issues be reviewed and solved


Increase participation in Perpetual Adoration, esp. youth
Increased coordination between ushers and nurses at Mass when emergencies arise
Desire for a regular 12:05 Mass at St. Anne
Desire for additional priest & Sunday Mass at Cave Junction
More Youth involvement at Cave Junction and Rogue River
Desire for Saturday Eve. Mass in Rogue River
Like to have bells at Mass
Desire to be thanked more
Would like to know which priest will be doing which Mass

Again, this list is not intended to reflect everything mentioned, but rather a highlight of the most commonly mentioned topics. All this information is important for our pastoral planning, a prayerful process which turns parish vision into reality. In the months and years ahead we will take measured steps, refine our mission, identify pastoral priorities, set goals and objectives, and revise our Pastoral Plan. Both Pastoral and Administrative councils are truly needed for this process, and I will continually look to them for this process. If you have any questions regarding this information, please don’t hesitate to talk with me or any member of the Pastoral Council.


Fr. William Holtzinger